
Logistic systems play an important part in the economic life of a country because they are part of the large flow of goods and services of an increasingly globalised economy.

One of the objectives behind the evolution of different logistics processes is to contribute significantly to the lowering of the cost of the production and distribution cycle, in trying to achieve greater profitability in each business sub-process, to increase competitiveness in the market.

In this context, security is a significant cost item, but it can be drastically reduced by implementing an Advanced Integrated Security solution. DABsi’s model for logistic security puts forward an open, scalable and reliable technological platform that allows the need to control logistic flows (loading, unloading, storage, transport) to be combined with the need to prevent revenue loss and damage to the corporate image.

Theft, break-ins, damage, fraud, sabotage, counterfeiting and industrial espionage are the main risks faced by companies in this sector; critical issues that can be controlled through:

  • integration of active video surveillance systems
  • real-time image analysis
  • perimeter intrusion detection
  • access control
  • attendance detection
  • control of loading and unloading bays
  • monitoring and control of storage areas
  • protection of logical access to the company’s IT resources
  • implementation of fire detection and safety systems
  • access control to internal communal areas.