
Ports are structurally complex environments, involving extensive perimeters and the daily management, in short periods of time, of significant flows of people, goods and vehicles which are often difficult to control.

The continuity of the service is threatened by the presence of numerous critical points such as multiple entrances and vulnerable targets at risk of terrorist attacks, theft, intrusions, fires, explosions, tampering, sabotage and contamination. It is very important to design the correct security solution based on the analysis of the needs of each critical area in the port.


DABsi’s model for port security is an Advanced Integrated Security System, based on open technological platforms, which integrate the implemented systems, allowing communication with external processes, the analysis and correlation of the information collected, thus ensuring maximum return on investment in security.

The platform allows the efficient control of port flows – loading, unloading, storage, access and boarding of passengers, baggage, goods and vehicles with a excellent optimisation of physical surveillance resources.

Integrated systems including video surveillance, access control, intrusion detection, license plate recognition, under-vehicle inspection, metal detectors and passenger identification are all managed by an operations centre, the heart of the control process, which analyses the data collected and coordinates targeted interventions if critical events occur. It can manage two-way interaction with the operational systems and subsystems deployed in the field, through the use of modern telecommunication networks.